Isnin, 26 Januari 2009

More Pictures on Barbeque..

We had chicken, beef, prawn, sausage and fish balls for the barbeque! Its great to have functions like this..

Insyirah, Aina and Nurin

Mak Lang and Baby Safiah

Mak Long and Baby Irfat. Irfat can't help himself seeing Maklong cry!

Uncle Black, Along and Epoi

Our VIP just arrived..

3 ulasan:

  1. Mat Bunga (abg man la..hehe) siap boleh berjalan2 g melaka lagi tu... Lepas ni Bolt syorkan kita buat bakar2 kat air terjun gunung nuang....mandi sambil makan2 baru syok... amacam? ada brani????
